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FHS Alma Mater

Hail, Friendswood High School, stalwart and true,
We pledge allegiance and faith in you.
For Friendswood High School, with loyalty,
We’ll honor blue and white
For eternity.

Send reunion information to Mark Griffon.

Mustang Fight Song

Fight, Mustangs, Fight
We’re gonna win this game tonight.
Fight with all of your might
Fight for Friendswood tonight,
Go, fight, Mustangs, fight.

Music by: John S. Taylor 1936
Words by: Football Coach Glenn Winn 1953

Class Reunion 2005 invitation



Wall of Honor

Alumni Spotlight
Steven Schulz veteran smiling
FHS 2002 graduate Marine Corporal Steven Schulz is the only FHS graduate to receive the Purple Heart, which he was awarded in 2005.

Lost your yearbook? FHS has many past yearbooks for sale for $30 each. Contact Stephanie Mcfadden.

Graduating Classes

Please let us know if you have any information to add for these years. Email to Mark Griffon.