Test Days
Monday: Fine Arts/ Career Tech/World Lang. / Science
Tuesday: English/SS/Health/P.E./Career Tech
Wednesday: Science/Fine Arts/Math
Thursday: SS/World Lang./Science
Friday: Health/P.E./Math/English
A major goal of the District is to assist in the development of well-rounded, productive citizens with a broad range of interests, abilities, and experiences. Student performance is an important measure of a student’s success. Friendswood schools consistently perform at the highest levels on state tests and nationally standardized/advanced academics tests.
- Academic Decathlon & Octathlon
- Dual Credit (at bottom of Counseling webpage)
- Gifted and Talented
- GradPoint
- Mustang Advanced Program
- Naviance
- Online Textbooks
- Special Education
- STAAR and End-of-Course
- S.T.E.M.
Associated Links
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Profile 2021-2022
- Academic Planning Guide 2023-2024 updated 9/1/23
- Academic Planning Guide 2024-2025 updated 1/31/24
- Academic Planning Guide 2026+
- Academic Planning Guide (Spanish) 2024-2025
- Academic Planning Guide (Spanish) 2026+
- Advanced Academics: ACT, AP, PSAT, SAT
- Updated Assessment Calendar:(AP/STAAR/Finals)
- Canvas Learning Dashboard
- Colleges, Universities, Academies
- Eligibility Dates
- Grading Policy and Exams Schedules
- House Bill 5 Graduation Plan 2020-2021
- Scholarships Counseling Center
- Skyward Family Access
- Tutorials