STAAR and End-of-Course
State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) and
End-of-Course (EOC) Requirements for Graduation
Under House Bill 5 (HB 5), graduation requirements for high school students are now required to pass five STAAR EOC exams to meet the graduation requirements. The five assessments under HB 5 include Algebra I, English I (combined reading/writing), English II (combined reading/writing), Biology, and U.S. History. Students must meet a scale score for each exam that indicates satisfactory performance in all five of these assessments to be eligible to graduate from a Texas public high school.
Each EOC exam will have a designated satisfactory performance score and an advanced academic performance score. If the student does not meet the satisfactory score requirement, the student will be required to retake the test. Each student will receive a state generated confidential student report (CSR) which shows detailed information about their performance.
EOC exams will be offered three times per school year in the Spring, Summer and Fall. Students will participate in the exam during the time at which they are receiving credit for an EOC course or at the next available testing opportunity for students participating in retakes.
Regardless of the graduation plan or endorsement a student chooses, the STAAR EOC requirements remain the same.