Emergency Information
In case of an emergency situation, you may tune into the following:
FISD Website Homepage
News will be updated continuously.
TV Channels
KPRC-TV – Channel 2
KHOU-TV – Channel 11
KTRK-TV – Channel 13
KRIV-TV – Channel 26
Radio Stations
KTRH -Radio – Station 740 AM
KILT-Radio – Station 100.3 FM
WMPZ659-Radio – Station 1650
Severe Weather
Occasionally, the threat of severe weather makes it necessary to dismiss school earlier than usual in order for buses and cars to be able to travel the normal routes. Examples of such problems are rapidly approaching hurricanes, or rapidly dropping temperatures that make freezing rain and road glazing a distinct possibility.
Please be assured when severe weather is a threat to this area, your school officials maintain a constant watch on changing weather conditions and stand ready to take the necessary actions for the dismissal of school and the immediate return of students to their homes if and when such circumstances warrant.
You, as a parent, can contribute to the welfare and safety of your children by observing the following recommendations:
1. Keep yourself well informed about the development, location and movement of threatening weather.
2. Recognize the possibility of an early school dismissal, which would result in your child’s return to home at an earlier time than usual and be prepared for such an event.
3. If during a severe weather threat you know you will not be at home and you have a young school child requiring adult supervision, please contact your principal regarding other arrangements you have made for the
child’s care in case of an early dismissal.
4. If the severe weather poses a definite threat, feel free to pick up your child at school without telephoning in advance. Unnecessary phone calls will only tie up the lines and delay the process of getting all students safely to their homes. Do be sure, however, that your child is checked out through the school office.
5. Listen to radio stations KIKK, KTRH, KILT, and TV Station KTRK, local Network affiliated TV station, for announcements concerning the dismissal or cancellation of school or the time when classes will be resumed if such dismissal or cancellation becomes necessary. You can also listen to the local radio station, 1650 AM